Chronology: From the Presidency of Jefferson to the Presidency of James Monroe and his doctrine

1800 - Thomas Jefferson wins a most-disputed election (both over John Adams, and over Aaron Bur, who becomes vice-president). His mandate was known as one of "simplicity"

May 1803 to Oct. 1803: Jefferson "bends" the Constitution to buy Louisiana for 15000 dollars from Napoleon

Feb. 1804: Marbury vs. Madison reinforces the power of the Supreme Court to review the constitutionality of the law (Chief Justice John Marshall)

1804-1806: Lewis and Clark expedition of Louisiana

June 1807 - Chesapeake-Leopard Affair

December 1807 - The Embargo Act (repealed March 1809)

1809 - James Madison President

18 June 1812 - US declares war on Britain. Also called in derogative terms by the Federalists "Mr. Madison's War", this is one of the historical conflicts over which there are several polemical and conflictual views.

24 December 1814: Treaty of Ghent

Dec 15 - Jan. 15 1815 - Hartford Convention (Federalist attempt to introduce amends to the Constitution and to impeach Parliament)

Jan. 8, 1815 - Battle of New Orleans and rise of nationalist feeling, "the era of good feelings"

1817 - James Monroe, a mentoree of Thomas Jefferson, and the last of the "founding fathers" becomes President of the US. He will retain the post until 1825, and his presidency, placating party dissidence, is known as The Era of Good Feelings. He is associated also with the policy of, "go-it-alone", closing the European "colonizing season" in America.

1819  - Spain cedes Florida to the US.

1820 - The Missouri Compromise (Maine, also admitted to the Union, remains a slaveless state, while Missouri retains slaves)

1823 - The Monroe Doctrine (outruled Euroepean interference henceforth in the American continent)


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