Final Paper - Requirements and Deadlines

General requirement: Portrayal of Episode/personality of US History (up to 1900) in two different Historiographic Sources (one of them can be culturally-driven - a documentary, a Disney film, a portrait or a poem - and the other has to be a History book/article). You have to analyse the portrayal and then formulate an opinion.

Page limit (excluding bibliography and title page): 5, double-spaced, Times New Roman

- Choice of theme until November 18 (by email, recommended)

- 1-page plan (max.) with theme and short commentary on the two sources to be compared (+ additional support bibliography, if any) - November 26 (preferably November 22; by email)

- Bring to class at least 3 printed pages of your work (1st draft) on December 6 for peer revision and feedback

- Deadline for final paper: December 16 (printed, on paper)


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