16th century conflicts with Native Americans

Virginia - Anglo Powhatan Wars (started in 1610)
1622, Friday, 22nd March: Great Indian Uprising:"treacherous dissimulation" 347 executed, justification of war against the Indians

New England
1636-1638 - The Pequot Wars
Narrangasetts and Mohegans allied with the English, against the Pequots (allied with the Dutch), disputing fur trade and wampum production (dislocated to Maschusetts Bay)
Engilsh merchant John Stone and 7 of his crew murdered by the Pequots in 1634 (allegedly due to internal tensions with the Dutch)
1636 - John Oldham, another merchant, was killed by Narrangasetts who wanted to discourage settlers from trading with the Pequots (however, the murderers were given sanctuary by the Pequots, who did not like the English anyway). As a consequence, the English burn down a Pequot village. New England also strengthens the impression that the territory is a battleground for Christian Faith (Puritans) vs. the Devil (Indians)
The Mystic Massacre (1638) - English, Narrangasetts and Mohegans burn down two main Pequot fortifications

Pratcical extinction of the Pequots in New England

1675-1677 - King Philip's (or Metacom's) War (anthology, p. 60-61)
Metacom, son of the chief of a Wampanoag tribe (another confederacy) who had been previously friendly with the English. But Metacom refused to hand down guns. Narrangasett individuals join the Wampanoag raids and they are punished by a joint force of the New England colonies (the Narrangasetts are executed mainly in Rhode Island in 1675). 
interesting / dubious role of "John Sossamon", "praying Indian" (translator and traitor?) who went to Harvard. Probably killed by the Wampanoag (1675)


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