Chronology: The Jackson Era (c. 1820's - 1840's)

Expansion of the Western Frontier(s) - starting back in the beginning of the century with the Lewis-Clark Expedition, through the Missouri River towards the Pacific Coast.

1825-1829 - Presidency of John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams and former Secretary of State under James Monroe). The 1824 elections were contested, but Quincy Adams retained power. This leads also to a division among the Democratic Republicans between National Republicans, later Wigs (Quincy's supporters) and Democrats, whence Andrew Jackson will ascend. The new division will also give rise to the emergence of small parties (Anti-Masonic, Abolitionist, Free Soil), starting, from 1828, the two party system.

1829-1837 - Presidency of Andrew Jackson: the rise of Mass Democracy (anthology, p. 155). "Tariff of Abominations" to protect Northern industry incenses the South.

1829 - Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears

1830 - Foundation of the Mormon Church by Joseph Smith in New York (cf. anthology p. 171) - the Mormons, or Latter Day Saints Church then move to Ohio, Missouri, Nebraska, Arizona and Utah.

1837: Panic of 1837 (financial crisis)

1837-1841: Presidency of Martin Van Buren

1841: William Henry Harrison becomes President and dies (Whig). John Tyler succeeds him.

1845: James Knox Polk (Democrat), the process of Texas annexation starts


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