Chronology - Early English Speaking America


 – Queen Elizabeth I grants Richard Halykut (pamphleteer / inciter, 1553-1616)
And Walter Raleigh (entrepreneur, 1554-1615) a 6-year patent to explore Virginia

1585 – Richard Grenvile and John White sail to Roanoke Island. Ralph Lane is governor

1586 – John White appointed as Governor of Roanoke, sails with 150 people to establish the Cittie of Raleigh in Chesapeake Bay (Lost Colony); settlers stay in Roanoke, White returns to England and when he goes back to Roanoke finds the words CROATOAN and an abandoned island

1587-1625: James VI (and I of Ireland)

1606 –Virginia Company of London (from whence will come Jamestown) and the Virginia Charter (granting the colonists "all liberties, franchises and immunities" as though born under the rein of Engand - attributed by some to James Coke, attorney general of the Court)

1607 – Jamestown, by John Smith. Powhatan Tribe and Pocahontas; writes in 1624 the General History of Viriginia (see anthology, pp. 34-38)

1609-1610: John Smith leaves the settlement by 1609 – James River frozen, Jamestown’s hell
John Rolfe arrives in The Deliverance in 1610; brings the tobacco seed, marries Pocahontas in 1614; Thomas Dale is governor from 1611-1616 and will institute the first colonial law system in English Norht America (the Dale Code);  
Some women arrive by 1608-1609; 
Jamestown women: 

1619 slaves ("indentured servants"?) arrive in The White Lion; more women arrive in 1620

1620 - The Mayflower arrives in Cape Cod - The Mayflower Compact (anthology p. 40-42); hard winters and the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth (1621); 

The first encounter is with the Pokanoket, led by Massasoit, and this native tribe will make a treaty with the settlrs on March 22, 1621, mediated by Squanto and Samoset.  

 The tradition of Thanksgiving is said to come from the joint celebration of the first fall harverst that same year.

Meanwhile, the community established themselves on a shared-property-and-benefits basis that was soon abandoned (see anthology, p. 42)

1621-1633 - William Badford, Governor of Plymouth Colony (writes History of Plymouth Plantation)

1630 - John Whinthrop and the Massachusetts Bay Colony (speech on the Arabella, anthology p. 43-44)

1636 - colony of Rhode Island Roger Williams

1641–1652, 1660–1677 - James Berkeley, Governor of Virginia

See also, (episode of The Pilgrims / American Experience) or (The Story of Us series


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