Chronology - From Revolution to Bill of Rights


  1. 1776
    Declaration of Independence (July 4).
  2. Civil War: Patriots ("Rebels") vs. Loyalists (Pro-British) + war with England, and help from the French
  3. 1777 - 1781:  Articles of Confederation - Congress is made sole authority of the new national government.
    The first thirteen states were Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island.
       1783 Treaty of Paris signed by the United States and Great Britain, ends the Revolutionary War (Sep 3).

       1786-1787 - [Daniel] Shays' Rebellion - attempt to seize Springfield Armory in Western Massachusetts.
1787-1788 United States Constitution. 
Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay write the Federalist Papers, 85 essays defending a new constitution,.
  1. 1789  George Washington elected first president of the United States.
       1789 - 1791 The Bill of Rights (first ten amendments to the US Constitution) is ratified by the states, limiting the power of the government and guaranteeing individual freedoms. Bank of the US


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