The Constitution (1787) and the Articles of Confederation (1777-1781)


Different attributions of House of Representatives and Senate:´

The House of Representatives does have some unique powers. Specifically:
  • The sole power of impeachment (Article I, Section 2),
  •  Power of drafting bills intended to raise revenue (Article I, Section 7),
  • Choosing the President in the exceedingly unlikely case of a tie between the Electors (Article II, Section 1, as amended).
But the Senate gets other, more important powers! The Senate:

  • Tries all impeachments (Article I, Section 3), so they decide whether or not to remove any government officials accused by the House.
  • May propose or concur amendments to revenue bills, as with any other bill (Article I, Section 7). Functionally, this means that the Houses’s ability to prevent the Senate from expressing its views on tax policy is pretty limited.
  • Gets to approve appointments throughout the Executive and Judicial branches (Article II, Section 2). 


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